17 Aug

Still Dealing with a Cyber Stalker

I’m writing this Because I’m Still Dealing With A Cyber Stalker. Every day, I am constantly being stalked by a Mugshot Extortionist!

Even when I’m unaware, evidence will show up where I can conclude ever so certainly, I’m being sabotaged!

It is definitely embarrassing to be in this disposition considering if he was within arms reach some resolution would be met quickly.

This whole chain of events has been going on well over 2 years and started about 8 months after I was released from prison.

I’ll be honest I don’t really care what you think about me and my past. Because unlike many scumbags I can proudly say I’ve never done things that jeopardize my moral compass.

I was selling drugs, certainly not to children, and it was to support me and my addictions.So I didn’t go around shooting people and robbing stores, minded my business.

Irregardless it’s against the law, I got caught I did the time. Looking back on it now I regret putting my family through that it was just as hard on them as it was me.

Did the Crime Did My Time

When I got out of prison freedom really didn’t taste the way I had remembered.That’s because Instead of goin wherever I pleased, I was forced in a halfway house.

By this point I hadn’t done drugs in 2 1/2 years. None the less, I was forced to live in constant temptation. These halfway houses have so many different drugs floating around them it’s ridiculous.

Nobody is a saint, I’m not admiring or denying giving in to temptation form time to time, but I did what was expected of me. Surrounded by professional failures, in short order I got a decent job making 20 bucks an hour.

The Infographic was created by US Support LLC with statistical data obtained from the Organization Victims of Crime

First Sighting of my Stalker

So I met this girl and we started getting comfortable and wanted to get a place together. I had about 6 grand maybe a little less but it wouldn’t last long, I needed a real hustle. Unlike those 3 Muslims that got 180 thousand dollars for their mugshots, I wasn't as fortunate!

Looking back on it all now I’m lightyears ahead of where I was, if only in the knowledge department. My first failed attempt at a business, most likely would have failed even without this new stalker I acquired.

One day surfing a platform I’d never used before “Twitter” is when I saw the first piece of slander. My soon to be Cyber Stalker Apparently owned a Mugshot slandering business.

I was in shock, I couldn’t believe this was happening! Because why would someone who doesn’t know me be spewing my arrest record on the internet? I called my mom enraged and she had never heard of such a thing either.

First Contact

I took my moms advice and was calm and well mannered on the phone. Turns out my Cyber Stalker never answers but allows it to goto voicemail completely! So I left a voice mail. 2 days went by and I left another one.

I wish I could go back and undo what I did after 2 months of repetitively attempting to contact this individual, but it’s too late! I was livid at this point!

All be damned if I was gonna pay some creep to remove this what at the time was merely an arrest record.

My Cyber Stalker even had a game on his website that was comparing mugshots of DUI offenders with Pedophiles. “Guess The Charge” this slime ball was calling it.

Completely fed up I went on the offense. So I started filling out Better Business Bureau, Ripoff Reports the whole nine. Then I thought to myself, I wonder how well a Youtube video would rank 

A criminal hacker, fraudster, and sociopath who owns 100s of websites and dozens of mugshot extortion domains begins to cause me reputation harm. He even ruins and slanders people just for being friends with me!

s with my mom it’s over for THEM PERIOD! To make matters worse he started slandering businesses that I liked giving erroneous reviews.

Nothing to be found on Mister X

Little did I realize how ridiculous this guy was going to be. He proceeded to make fake complaints to my apartment manager to attempt to get me evicted.

To my shock my Parole officer whom I only had to see once every month said he received a phone call from the guy. Most people would assume that info is available but actually someones Parole officer is not publicly provided, he had socially engineered his way into getting the info.

At his request he had me come visit his office and explained to me that some crazy woman called and was crying hysterically.

He said the woman was in fear for her life, and how he was annoyed at the fact he had to listen to the entire conversation that was obviously fake.

After dodging a bullet there I arrive home to banging on my door, It turns out the guy ordered a pizza in my Parole Officers name, I had to buy the pizza so the poor guy didn’t get stiffed.

A Website In My Name?

Turns out from the day he began harassing me he had bought a website in my name and was slandering my online business with a Twitter account on autopilot. He was completely trying to ruin me and cause lasting reputation harm.

The Cyber Stalker succeeded in scaring some of my friends off who he also proceeded to harass. My now ex girlfriend had nothing to do with this psycho’s tirade but he slandered her as bad as me!

This man had succeeded in ruining my efforts at an online drop shipping business, and his latest threat was he knew someone high up in the judicial system and he had paid money to have charges stacked against me.

Bogus threat of bribe money to have charges slapped on me?

He was doing so much harm to me I didn’t know what I was going to do. If I ignored him he would just take it as an open invitational to harass me even more.

When I was volatile he would keep his distance but still cause harm in indirect ways.

The Uphill Battle Begins

After about a year I was done. Because I wasn’t scared of this lame Cyber Stalker I wanted to throttle his neck!

So Fighting back I learned mistake after mistake what this guy could do to demolish social accounts, make fake DMCA takedown requests to ruin my hard work towards pushing his slander out of search results.

The Sword that will slay all of the manner slander! Search Engine Optimization is something everyone should know at least a little bit about! I just recently obtained the ranks of SEO Specialist within the well respected MOZ community. Their guidance has been much needed for learning reputation management!

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger!

Because of this constant battle of nearly two and a half years, I was no longer on the hill.

So now I’ve mastered content creation, collaborated with journalists and lawyers , and smashed a few of his businesses!

Shortly after the Mugshots dot com arrests A famous Journalist named Olivia Solon wanted to interview me from The Guardian! Apparently because the fireworks between me and my cyber stalker were getting noticed.

With no sign of this guy quitting despite some of his scumbag colleagues being arrested on Extortion charges, this battle could keep going for quite awhile.

My SEO and Reputation Management To The Roof!

I found out after gathering intelligence into this criminal racketeer that millions of people were impacted by these scoundrels. I began donating my time to reputation tutorials and people were actually now hiring me to aid them in scrubbing Google of their slanderer’s filth!

Will My Cyber Stalker Ever Go Away?

Only time will tell, but I am going to follow through with destroying this slandering niche market and I am nearing the conclusion of a successful campaign.

He may never leave me alone, but at least I can prevent him from harming millions of others!

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